Advanced Android App Architecture Real-world app architecture in Kotlin 1 3
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About the Cover
Birds are, of course, perhaps most well known for their ability to build fantastic nests,
and the satin bowerbird, which graces this cover, is no exception.
While many birds craft modest nests of sticks, mud and bits of softness collected here and there, the satin bowerbirds are much more ambitious with their structures. Perhaps one of nature's most creative and serious architects, these birds build "bowers" to attract a mate. They build and decorate with anything from berries to flowers to drinking straws to ballpoint pens. Interestingly, as they mature, they prefer to architect with objects of the color blue.
Like these birds, good engineers understand the importance of good architecture: It is ambitious, structurally sound, attractive and sets your work apart from other simple- nesting developers.
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